A festive message from the Chair
Another year has nearly come to an end and we find ourselves facing a new decade and the year number, 2020, which also articulates into a “clear Vision” for us (thank you Mara for the pun).

I have recently become the Chair of the RDHS Board of Directors following the November 2019 AGM, following several years of very good work from our previous Chair, Quentin Norton. There are plenty of opportunities and challenges ahead, and the Board and I are excited.
This year we have commenced implementation of our new Strategic Plan, which was released to staff and community during April and the Board and Management Team aim to action all of the 11 Directions over the next 4 years.
Whilst our Vision and Mission remain our philosophical foundation, we will continue to develop the organisation and our Staff with our Values which provides the framework of how we work with our community; the Values of Respect, Professionalism, Care, Commitment and Collaboration guide our daily work and how we interact with each other and our patients, clients and residents. The management team have worked hard together to ensure that the staff of our organisation are informed and communicated with, especially with how we can improve our work practices and environment.
I look forward to the progress of this important area of focus over the next year.
I would like to thank all staff for their efforts over the past year as we meet our never-ending demands placed on health services in delivering services and compliance requirements. Whether you work directly or indirectly with our customers everything you do on a shift by shift basis is greatly appreciated and acknowledged by the Board and Management teams.
I also would like to thank our volunteers, General Practitioners and other agencies that we partner with, to ensure that the best possible services are supported and provided to our community. Our supporters ensure that our services remain relevant to our community and I will maintain my lines of communication open to suggestions and comments about them. Feedback on what we do well and where we can improve is an essential component of any business, even the health business.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and our CEO and Management Team I wish you all the very best of wishes for the festive season. May you enjoy the company of your families who I acknowledge all support your efforts at work by keeping your home life balanced with work. I look forward to working with you all in 2020 towards the Strategic Plan and opportunities it presents.
Bruce Myers, Board Chair RDHS