The function of the Board of Directors is to oversee the governance of the Health Service and to ensure that the services provided by the Health Service comply with the requirements of the Act and the by-laws of the Health Service.
The Board of Directors meets on the last Wednesday of each month to deal with matters in a streamlined reporting format that conforms with Accreditation guidelines.
Jessica Curran
Board Director – Board Chair
Appointed 01.07.2020

Pharmacist, AMCAL Pharmacy Robinvale.
Jessica brings local knowledge to the Board through living in the Manangatang and Robinvale areas most of her life. Through her pharmacy role and other community groups Jessica has a strong link to the community and she understands the importance of clinical governance for health outcomes.
Board Director since 2020
- Member of Finance, Risk and Audit Committee,
- Member of Community Advisory Committee
- Member of Clinical Governance Committee
- Member of Finance, Risk and Audit Committee
- Member of Community Advisory Committee
- Member of Clinical Governance Committee
Jacqueline Storer
Board Director – Deputy Chair
Appointed 01/07/2022

Jacqueline is a Chartered Accountant with more than 30 years’ experience. Her understanding of business processes and the need to deliver quality, practical solutions have been key to achieving success.
Professionally she has led global programs of work relating to business process transformation, divestments and acquisitions, technology compliance and risk management and IT change governance.
She has lead global teams of staff based in Australia, Asia and India.
- Board Director at RDHS since December 2022
- Bachelor in Computer Programming
- Bachelor in Accounting
- Member of AICD
- Member of CAANZ
- Board Deputy Chair Person
- Member of Executive / Capital Works Committee
- Chair of Finance, Risk and Audit Committee
- Member of Projects and Infrastructure Committee
Lane (Chengsi) Li
Board Director
Appointed 01/07/2023

Lane has over 10 years of experience in Management Accounting in a public listed company, is a resident and business owner in the Robinvale community. Lane has a diverse background originating from China, a fit with the multicultural population mix of the Robinvale Community.
- New Board Director in 2023
- A qualified CPA.
- Member of Finance, Risk and Audit committee
Dr. Josh Fergeus
Board Director
Appointed 01.07.2023

Dr Josh Fergeus is an experienced Board Director and senior leader in health and social services. Josh is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne. His research focused on the critical role of foster and kinship carers in promoting positive mental health outcomes for children and young people in care.
Outside of his duties on the Board, Josh is the Chief Executive Officer of the leading therapeutic horticulture charity Kevin Heinze Grow and an elected local government Councillor. He is also a Member of the Mental Health Tribunal, making decisions under the Mental Health Act, and the Suitability Panel, assessing allegations of abuse and neglect within the child protection system.
- New Board Director 2023
- Member of Clinical Governance Committee
Benjamin Lincoln
Board Director
Appointed 01.07.2023

Ben lives in Ballarat with his wife and son, having spent the last 12 years working in the IT field, he is currently working for a firm producing community nursing software. Ben comes with a Master’s degree in Technology majoring in Software Engineering and a passion for regional and rural healthcare.
Increasingly involved with his local community, Ben has a passion for seeing technology used to empower individuals in their work rather than just generating more paperwork.
- New Board Director 2023
- Member of Executive / Capital Works Committee
- Member of Projects and Infrastructure Committee
Dr Rex Prabhu
Board Director
Appointed 01.07.2023

Associate Professor Rex Prabhu is currently serving as the Executive Medical Director of Swan Hill District Health, Victoria for the last 5+ years. He was previously working as the Clinical Superintendent at Westmead Hospital and Deputy Director of Medical Services at Manly and Mona Vale Hospitals in Sydney. He is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators and has postgraduate qualifications in public health, health services management and occupational health and safety.
He has a keen interest and is passionate about growing the next generation of medical workforce and in developing the medical workforce by innovation through new models of care and establishing new pathways of training for both undergraduates through to postgraduate and fellowed GP’s. He has a strategic mindset and the ability to inspire medical practitioners to achieve high levels of performance, while driving accountability to care.
He has been instrumental in setting up Victoria’s first end to end to end program for General Practitioner and rural generalist training in Swan Hill at a single location, starting with the establishment of a 3-year medical school program with the Charles Sturt Mallee Clinical School and post graduate pathways established to internship and successful programs for GP Registrars through to Fellowship of RACGP and ACRRM.
He was the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from ACRRM in 2023, National Health Award for excellence in rural health administration for his contributions to workforce building in Swan Hill and was awarded the Victorian Medical Specialist Award of the year at the 2023 Victorian Rural Health Awards for his contribution to advancing pathways of training and enhancing service delivery.
- New Board Director 2023
- Chair of Clinical Governance Committee
- Member of Community Advisory Committee
Thelma Chilly
Board Director
Appointed 01.07.2024

I have worked within the Aboriginal community/ communities in the Mallee for more than 33 years now. This has been both in a Voluntary and Professional capacity. I was Awarded the Sir Rohan Delacombe Award for Scholastic Ability whilst studying at Girton College in Bendigo.
I was one of seventy Women honoured at the 2010 IPPA International Women’s Day Celebrations and placed on the 2010 Honour Roll. I was chosen by the other women to speak on their behalf to a crowd of 900 people who attended the celebration. I was one of the women honoured in the public sector as a Legend of Service Delivery for my exceptional contributions to the Victorian community.
I was a finalist in the 2018 Dreamtime Awards Nationwide and was nominated for Community Person of the Year.
I have worked for Department of Human Services in the Indigenous Family Violence Support Officer role and have also worked for The Mallee Domestic Violence Service in mainstream Services.
I have extensive knowledge of family violence and its impact on community.
I worked for Aboriginal Victoria and been a Public Servant for more than 17 years. I was responsible for the Local Aboriginal Networks in Robinvale, Mildura and Swan Hill in the Northern Loddon Mallee Region. My work is Community Development focussed and we worked closely with Local Government, who have accepted/endorsed our Community Plans.
I have served on the Board at MDAS for 3 years now. I sit on The Elders Standing Group for Treaty in Victoria and I have just commenced as a Board member of ROHS in Robinvale. I also am a Youth Leader at my local Church.
I believe I am a strong advocate for the Koori Community and will do all I can to impact change in our lives.
- New Board Director 2024
- Member of Executive / Capital Works Committee
- Member of Projects and Infrastructure Committee
Board Of Directors Membership In Subcommittees
Executive/Capital Works Committee
Jessica Curran
Jacqueline Storer
Benjamin Lincoln
Thelma Chilly
Projects and Infrastructure Committee
Jessica Curran
Jacqueline Storer
Benjamin Lincoln
Thelma Chilly
Clinical Governance Committee
Dr Rex Prabhu (Chair)
Jessica Curran
Dr Josh Fergeus
Community Advisory Committee
Jessica Curran
Dr Rex Prabhu
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee
Jacqueline Storer (Chair)
Jessica Curran
Lane Li
Guy Fielding (Independent)
Ginette Chirchiglia (Independent)
Mark Nish (Independent)