Christmas Message from RDHS Board Chair to Robinvale District
Well another year is nearly over and we will soon be saying goodbye to 2015 and welcoming in, 2016! The Board of Management is very pleased with the performance of the health service which is due to the hard work and efforts of all of you that work here. The Board Directors appreciate your hard work and acknowledge your skills and commitment. I would like to thank our CEO, Mara Richards and her management team for providing strong leadership to the health service and in maintaining our very successful status.

Our health service wide accreditation has exceeded our past performance during the 2014-15 period. The health service wide Audit conducted in August 2015 demonstrated a high level of achievement against all 10 National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHSS) and indeed we were awarded 3 “met with merit” in our Governance and Partnership arrangements. Riverside also had its major Audit this year and continued the success story. At the exit interview the Auditors made comment about the significant shift in culture within RDHS and that Staff had obviously embraced an environment of continuous quality improvement. My thanks to all Staff and I acknowledge the Quality team of RDHS, Connie Chirchiglia and Gayle Nichols who keep us on a well guided path of learning and improvement!
RDHS also continues to perform well financially which in turn allows us to continue delivering clinical services to our diverse community. Sustainability is key to our long term future and we must continue our prudent financial stewardship to remain viable over the years to come! Our sound financial foundation has allowed us to undertake a number of key capital projects across the 3 campuses and include, new air conditioning systems (providing for personal comfort levels), a 100 K Watt Solar Energy system (allowing us to be less reliant on non-green energy sources), an update to the Dialysis area to provide for more room for both our Staff and Clients, new televisions in the acute care / dialysis areas and an upgrade to our Mortuary. One project that has commenced recently, is the aged care courtyard within the main campus, where we plan to upgrade the area to make it more “user friendly” for our Residents, patients, their Families and Staff to enjoy the outdoors. This upgrade has been made possible through the fundraising efforts of the Murray to Moyne local bike riders, special long time partners of RDHS. We are indebted to them for their ongoing commitment to RDHS and their generosity and enthusiasm for this project which benefits all who work, visit or reside here.
And we are looking forward to seeing the work on the new Pergola at the front of our Manangatang Campus commencing in the New Year. This project will certainly provide a lovely setting for our residents to relax outdoors with family and friends or when celebrating a special occasion.
On behalf of the Board of Management I would like to extend the very best of wishes for the Festive Season and sincerely hope that you and your Families enjoy the very best of the Season, in whatever you do. I also hope that 2016 brings with it, much joy, happiness and good health to you all.
Again, our sincere appreciation and thanks for your outstanding contribution and commitment to your workplace and your jobs, whatever that may be at RDHS!
Peter Campisi
Chair, Board of Management