Creative Children Out There……..
As you may be aware the RDHS Aged Care facilities are currently in lock down as a precautionary measure to protect our residents from the COVID-19 Virus, which among other things, means no visitors for our residents.To help with social isolation from loved ones, I would like to invite all local children to send pictures they have drawn or coloured in, write a story/letter or create something which may brighten our resident’s day.
We will organise a wall on which we will display everyone’s creations. The residents at each of our sites will choose one entry and the winning entry will win a $20 Gift Coles & Myer Group gift card.
To avoid unessential travelling if you could take a photo of your work and please email you entry to and in the subject line, identify the campus you would like it sent to by April 30th 2020.
Any mail/items will be held back from residents for the required period of 5 days (stored in a cardboard box), to ensure there is no risk of them contracting the COVID-19 Virus, but we would prefer you to email them to us.
We would also like to name our wall, and invite you all to submit suggestions.
It will be great to see how talented our local children are but most of all we are looking forward to seeing the smiles on our resident’s faces.
We will display photographs of the wall on our Facebook page.
The winners will be selected by May 14th 2020.
Please include your contact details such as phone number so that we can contact you.
We look forward to receiving your work