Robinvale District Health Services offers a comprehensive Graduate Nurse Program combining rotations through our acute unit, and aged care units. One position is offered annually for a newly graduated Registered Nurse. The Graduate Nurse Program supports graduates in their first year of practice, providing an environment where they can consolidate and further develop their knowledge, skills and competence.
We offer a one year full-time graduate nurse program, comprising of:
Comprehensive orientation to the hospital and clinical placement areas
Paid study days, including attending study days with Mildura Base Hospital Graduates
6 weeks annual leave plus a paid ADO per month for full time participants
Clinical support nurses
Employment opportunities upon successful completion.
Application Process
Robinvale District Health Services utilizes the Victorian Computer Matching service for applications. Information about Computer Match and the application process can be found at www.computermatching.pmcv.com.au. Applications for the Graduate Nurse program can be lodged between May to July.
Information required with application
• A letter of application
• Curriculum vitae, including 2 professional clinical referees with whom we can discuss your nursing skills and 1 past employer – may be non-nursing.
Certified copies of the following documents:
· Transcript of academic results
· All third year clinical reports & 2nd year clinical evaluations from acute medical/surgical placements.
Applications to be forwarded to:
If you require any further information please contact the Clinical Nurse Educator on (03) 5051 8111
Robinvale District Health Services
People and Culture Department
PO Box 376
Robinvale VIC 3549