Message from RDHS Acting CEO – Denise Parry
20/09/2022 – Media Statement from the Acting Chief Executive Officer, Denise Parry.
“Robinvale District Health Service is not in turmoil and I encourage anyone in our community who needs healthcare to access the care they need.”
“While we haven’t been immune to the workforce challenges faced by health services right around the world, our dedicated staff continue to give their all and provide care to the community 24/7.”
“We’re actively recruiting and have recently welcomed four new registered nurses, a Director of Primary and Community Services and a Director of Nursing to our team, while a further two positions are also currently being finalised.”
Some key facts
Robinvale District Health Service (RDHS) is proud to be a provider of healthcare to our community. As a multipurpose health service we offer a range of services to support positive health outcomes to our community, which is also supported by the broader health system.
This includes our 14 sub-acute beds, which enable to care for people closer to home after an acute hospital admission. These beds continue to be open and available for admissions.
Our Urgent Care Centre operates 24/7 and is supported by skilled registered nurses who have had training in advanced life support and have access to medical assessment 24/7 with My Emergency Dr.
Our Urgent Care Centre is not an Emergency Department and that means patients may need to be transferred to an Emergency Department for further assessment/treatment such as specialised doctors, imaging and pathology. RDHS sub acute ward is not for acute care, such as that would be required by a regional hospital who has a range of inpatients services.
There is a shortage of General Practitioners in Australia at present and the town of Robinvale and RDHS is not immune to the supply and demand problem.
RDHS is actively recruiting across key areas to complement our current team. We have had some outstanding applications and are in the last stages of recruiting a Finance and Corporate Services Manager and a GP for residential aged care services.
Thank you
Denise Parry