The RDHS Maternity Service delivers convenient quality care and advice during pregnancy as well as post natal care to women of Robinvale and surrounding districts.
Women attend antenatal appointments mainly with the midwife as well as a Visiting Medical officer – Obstetrician/Gynaecologist for their pregnancy care.
Through a share Maternity Care Agreement with Mildura Base Hospital (MBH), the MBH Obstetrician and RDHS Midwife work together rto provide pregnancy care to women of Robinvale and surrounding district.
Antenatal classes are offered on site for the first time parents/couples and others who may want to have refresher classes.
Every mother is visited at home following discharge from the birth hospital to check on both mother and baby. Visits continue until the midwife is satisfied with feeding, parenting etc before handing over care to the Maternal and Child Health Nurse.