Parenting isn’t always easy.
When it comes to raising children, everyone has an opinion. There are so many ideas out there. So how do you know what’s best and what works? The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program ® takes the guesswork out of parenting.
Cindy Hinterholzl, Early Years Coordinator at RDHS speaks about the Positive Parenting Program (or Triple P) currently being offered in Robinvale.
Cindy and Estelle Rogers (Speech Pathologist) together with Robyn Howarth (Maternal Child Health Nurse) will be co-facilitating.
Triple P gives parents simple tips to help manage the big and small problems of family life. Problems like toddler tantrums, self-esteem issues, bedtime battles and aggression.
Cindy she said that a number of parents have enquired about what might help them with parenting and so the Triple P trained staff decided to run the program.

Areas covered include how to establish a safe and interesting environment for your child as well as establishing a positive learning environment. Another focus area will be helping parents maintain consistent behavior management skills so that children learn there are consequences for their behavior. The program will reinforce the importance of parents having realistic expectations and ensure they take care of themselves as a parent.
Triple P is targeted at parents of children aged between 2 and 6 years of age. The only cost is the $20 booklet. The program structure is 4 small group sessions and follow up phone calls, ensuring you are not alone on completion of Triple P.
The sessions are currently being conducted Thursday evenings between 7 and 9 pm on
5th May, 12th May, 19th May and 26th May at the hall opposite St Mary’s school in Watkin Street and numbers are limited.
Another program will be conducted later in the year should there be further interest.
To enroll please phone Robyn, (Maternal Child Health Nurse) on
Phone: 03 5051 8166 or E-mail: