Patient Quality and Safety
RDHS is committed to ongoing improvement of patient care in all areas. While we strive to have a outstanding record in delivering quality patient care and managing the safety of our hospital , we continue to focus on improvements to ensure that our services are as safe as possible and that we are minimizing risks at all times.
RDHS has a strong commitment to safety and quality and this is reflected in our approach to:
- Creating safe environments and systems of work for our staff;
- Reviewing and improving on a continuous basis the performance of our patient safety and quality systems;
- Assisting our healthcare professionals and Visiting Medical Officers to monitor the safety and quality of care they provide;
- Ensuring accountability for the safety and quality of care at all levels of our organisation reporting through to the Board of Management.
Our Performance
Via the Victoria’s Health Services Performance website the community of Robinvale and Surroundings is provided with statistical information on not only RDHS but other Victoria’s public hospitals and health services. The aim is to provide greater transparency and a better understanding of Victoria’s hospital environment performances.
Activity and performance information is updated quarterly and selected emergency information is updated fortnightly and is
Robinvale District Health Services performance can be seen here.
All Australian facilities are accredited using the National Safety Quality & Health Service Standards which were introduced in 2013.
Accreditation is an important driver for safety and quality improvement. Through accreditation Robinvale District Health Services has been able to assess the level of performance in relation to established national and international standards and to implement ways to continuously improve our service delivery.

Patient Satisfaction, Comments and Complaints
RDHS focuses on listening and responding to the needs of our patients. Your feedback allows us to continually evaluate and improve on all aspects of our performance.
We encourage feedback from our patients via our website; or via our patient satisfaction surveys (Customer Satisfaction Survey – Tell us about your stay……. or Consumer Feedback – Tell us what you think?)
It is advisable that you express your concerns before you leave the hospital so we can fix any problems for you. The nurse in charge is a good start but if you remain concerned please ask to speak the Nurse Unit Manager /Director Of Nursing or the Director of Aged Care Services.
Alternatively, there are a number of other ways that you can voice a concern. Our website contains a link to the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights and this suggests a number of ways for you to express your concerns.