RDHS Board Application round for 2023 is now open
Appointments to the Board of Directors of Robinvale District Health Services. The Department of Health is pleased to invite applications for part time Board Director positions of Robinvale District Health Services (RDHS) with terms of office commencing from 1 July 2023.
These positions provide an exciting opportunity for members of the Victorian public with relevant experience and qualifications to contribute to the strategic leadership of public health care delivery to the community.
RDHS is a Multi-Purpose Health Service that delivers a range of programs and services for our local communities. The Health Service has three campuses located within the townships of Robinvale and Manangatang. Further information is available on our website https://robinvaledhs.wpengine.com
RDHS is committed to ensuring the Board composite broadly reflects the diversity of the Victorian community. All applicants will be considered.
To fill identified gaps in the current Board skills profile applications are particularly welcome with expertise in;
- Human resources management
- Consumer experience and engagement
- Asset management
Applicants for Board Directorships must be able to demonstrate and provide evidence in support of the skills they identify in their applications.
Applications close at Midnight Monday 21 November 2022.
For further information including a copy the Board Director Position Description and how to apply, visit www.health.vic.gov.au/boardapplications
For all enquiries regarding the RDHS Board, please contact Jessica Curran (Board Chair) – jcurran@rdhs.com.au