RDHS Celebrates Kidney Health Week (5th -11th March 2017)
To create an even greater impact in 2017, Kidney Health Australia has aligned Kidney Health Week with World Kidney Day, which falls on Thursday 9 March. Kidney Health Week will run from 5–11 March. This year, the World Kidney Day theme is ‘Kidney Disease and Obesity – Healthy Lifestyle for Healthy Kidneys’.

Kidney Health Australia has produced a report that highlights evidence linking obesity to the development of CKD, kidney stones, and kidney cancer. Read “Obesity and chronic kidney disease: the hidden impact” report.
Kidney Health Week is the biggest time of the year for raising local and national awareness about kidney health. At RDHS staff and dialysis patients celebrated today decorating the room with balloons and dressing up for the occasion.
Currently, RDHS Dialysis patients receive treatment on Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning and afternoon shifts. The RDHS Dialysis Unit is associated with the Royal Melbourne Hospital. The Royal Melbourne Hospital Kidney Care acts as a renal hub provider for 22 regional satellite dialysis units throughout Victoria, where haemodialysis is provided for patients in their local communities by regional and rural health services. RDHS is one of the rural satellite dialysis units. The Royal Melbourne Hospital are able to discuss progress and management issues with nursing staff and this arrangement enables patients to stay locally to receive their treatment. This is also supported by a visiting Renal Clinic every 8 weeks.