RDHS Extends Thanks to The Opp Shop
The Opp Shop’s (Perrin Street) wonderful band of ladies recently got together for a shared Christmas lunch to celebrate a great year.
Robinvale District Health Services took the opportunity to thank them for their generosity, the most recent being a donation for $3,000. This money went towards the purchase of an Oxygen Concentrator for Riverside Campus.
Director of Clinical Services Leanne Adcock said “The residents and staff of Riverside are extremely thankful to The Opp Shop. The Oxygen Concentrator is a wonderful equipment addition to support our residents and has already been utilised”.
The group of volunteers give their time and energy to raise funds for our community. Outgoing President Gayle Farnsworth, welcomed incoming President Kaylene Conner. The group were full of admiration for Maxine Dowling and Francis Taggert, both retiring long serving members. Thank you ladies, we appreciate your efforts and wish you all the best.
Leanne concluded with wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.