Patient Admission
14 beds are available in the Acute Unit for the treatment of medical patients at the Robinvale Campus. Patients have their choice of doctor. Ensuite facilities are available in both single and shared rooms. Each bed has its own television. Remote controls are used to change channels.
If you are to be admitted to Robinvale District Health Services, please ensure that you bring your Medicare Card, and any of the following if you have them:
- DVA Card
- Health Care Card
- Pension Card
- Private Health Insurance details
- Safety Net Card
Patient Information Sheets
Detailed information about your care, medications, dressings, appointments upon discharge and home help (if required) will be available to you. Please ask the nursing staff if you require larger printing or require the information to be read to you or if you would like the information provided in an alternative language.
What to bring to Robinvale District Health Services
- Pyjamas/nighties (label with your name)
- Dressing gown and slippers
- Additional day clothing and suitable footwear for rehabilitation clients
- Toiletries (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, hairbrush/comb, razor)
- Small amount of money (for phone, newspaper, etc)
- Current medications
- Medicare card
- Private health service fund care/book
- Veterans Affairs Repat Card,
- Details for Workers Compensation, Public Liability or Third Party Case (if applicable)
What not to bring to Robinvale District Health Services
- Valuables (jewellery, large amounts of money)
- Radios without headphones
- Mobile phones
- Electrical appliances
- Pot plants
- Large bags or excessive clothing
- Alcohol or illegal drugs
- Video games
Account enquiries/payments
You may pay your account by any of the following three methods.
1. In person, bring your invoice to the Accounts Department between 9.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday
Robinvale District Health Services, Accounts Department,
128-132 Latje Road, Robinvale, Victoria.
2. By posting a Cheque to;
Robinvale District Health Services, PO Box 376, Robinvale, Victoria, 3549
Please make your Cheque payable to Robinvale District Health Services and include your invoice details with your payment.
3. EFT payment may be made to;
Robinvale District Health Services with the BSB and Account No available on the invoice.
Please include the invoice details when lodging your payment.
If you cannot find your invoice, the Finance department may be able to assist with printing a copy