Top Quality Diagnostic Imaging Service Now Available at RDHS
Robinvale and district has received a further health boost recently when Robinvale District Health Services (RDHS) purchased a new Ultrasound machine.
The new Philips Ultrasound Machine is state of the art and provides us with imaging confidence at the highest level for many years to come. For the first time we can experience both highly detailed ultrasound images and visualise extraordinary levels of detail with exceptional penetration even on difficult patients.

The Philips Ultrasound machine also has the capabilities to perform 3D imaging. This can be used for a variety of anatomy parts, but is especially good for producing “baby photos”. Please phone or call at our Health and Wellbeing Centre on for further information on 3D baby images.
The Medical Imaging Department has also recently been awarded accreditation by Quality Innovation Performance Limited, which is part of Australia’s leading accreditation company managing programs for diagnostic imaging, physiotherapy and retirement villages.
To achieve this endorsement, RDHS Medical Imaging Department has demonstrated that they meet all standards set by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing. Accreditation is a major achievement and is a clear demonstration that we are constantly striving to improve the level of service to our clients.
We would like to remind the general public we accept all referrals from your GP or Specialist. The referral doesn’t need to be on our request form. There are usually only short waiting periods for bookings. Our reports are processed online and the referring doctor will have the report back, generally within 24 hours.
Please contact the Health and Wellbeing Centre on 50518160 for an appointment or further information.