Robinvale District Health Services has a wide range of bed based and ambulatory care services in Robinvale and Manangatang. Our hospitals bring sophisticated, modern medical treatment of the highest quality into our communities. Sub-Acute bed based accommodation is located in Robinvale (14 beds) and Manangatang (6 beds)
Visiting Medical Officers (VMOs) have admitting rights to both campuses.
Staff Patient Care (Nurse to Patient Rations) Amendment Act 2019
Name: Robinvale Main Campus Mixed Ward (Acute and Aged Care). 1 September 2022 to 28 February 2023.
Sub-Acute Beds: 14
Aged Care Beds: 14
Total Number of beds 28.
Different ratios that apply to each portion:
Sub-Acute Care – AM shift ratios 1.6 + in charge, PM 1:7 + 1 in charge, Night Duty 1:10
Aged Care – AM 1.7; PM 1:8; Night Duty 1:15.
Expected number of occupied beds for the following 6 months period Acute Care – 2, Aged Care -12
Staff Patient Care (Nurse to Patient Rations) Amendment Act 2019
Name: Manangatang Campus Mixed Ward (Acute and Aged Care). 1 September 2022 to 28 February 2023.
Sub – Acute Beds: 2
Aged Care Beds: 10
Total Number of beds 12.
Different ratios that apply to each portion:
Sub – Acute Care – AM shift ratios 1.6 + in charge, PM 1:7 + 1 in charge, Night Duty 1:10
Aged Care – AM 1.7; PM 1:8; Night Duty 1:15.
Expected number of occupied beds for the following 6 months period Acute Care – 0, Aged Care -6
Urgent Care Centre
Robinvale District Health Services (RDHS) provides a 24 hour Urgent Care Centre for urgent medical care.
VMO’s provide an on call roster system for after-hours emergency care. There will be occasions when there is no Doctor available.
Registered Nurses are on duty at all times and can determine your health status. This may result in treatment at RDHS or transfer to a larger tertiary hospital. Unavailability of X-ray, Ultrasound and pathology out of hours may influence the decision.
If you are unsure that your illness is something more than a common non-life threatening complaint, by all means you are welcome to attend the health service where a Registered Nurse can complete an assessment.
For non-urgent matters or non-life threatening situations, you are advised to contact your own doctor (during business hours) or Nurse on Call, 1300 60 60 24 for the cost of a local call from anywhere in Victoria for health advice 24 hours a day. (Calls from mobile phones may be charged at a higher rate).
To access the Urgent Care Centre
- Come directly to the front entrance
- If after hours use the camera/speaker/emergency call bell to alert staff and to speak to the Registered Nurse.
Reasons why you may visit the Urgent Care Centre:
- Chest Pain
- Head Injury;
- Difficulty Breathing;
- Uncontrollable Bleeding;
- Trauma;
- After an Accident;
- Severe Allergic reaction e.g. bee sting, food allergy; and
- An unwell infant or child.
Sub-Acute Admission
A medical practitioner must provide a referral prior to admission, treatment or diagnostic services.
The Commonwealth and State Government Medicare Agreement requires you elect to be treated as a public (non-chargeable) or private (chargeable) patient upon admission to the Health Service.
A public patient will be treated by the health services nominated doctor; they cannot choose a specific doctor and will not be charged for medical or health services.
A private patient will be treated by their nominated Doctor, provided the Doctor has the right to practice at the service. RDHS will also waive some cost towards the excess on your health insurance (please ask about this when you come in).
Discharge Planning
Your Doctor will inform you when you are to be discharged from hospital. You will then need to make arrangements with your next of kin to collect you before 10am on the day of discharge. You will receive a follow up phone call 24 to 48 hours after discharge to find out how you feel and how you found your treatment. Please inform staff if you do not wish to receive this phone call.
Prior to leaving hospital, RDHS will assist you in accessing services or support to help you manage effectively at home. Such services or support include:
- Visiting Nurse Service
- Meals on Wheels and Home Help Services
- Community Day Activity Groups
- Respite Care, and
- Other Allied Health Assessment
- Post Acute Care
Except in certain cases (e.g., acute mental illness), every patient has the right to leave the Health Service if they choose. If you discharge yourself against medical advice, you will need to sign a disclaimer form, as leaving is your responsibility. If you discharge yourself and your condition does not improve, or cause you concern, please seek further medical assistance
Renal Dialysis
The Dialysis unit was re-commissioned in February 2009 due to a recognized client needs for the service locally.
Nursing staff provide a high quality service which is supported by clinical/medical staff from Royal Melbourne Hospital as a satellite program.
Renovations to the unit were completed in June 2015 and provide a much improved environment for patients and staff. Service delivery continues with a morning and afternoon shift three times per week.
Visiting Nurse Service
The Visiting Nurse Services (VNS) offers comprehensive care to clients in their home both in the Robinvale and Manangatang districts. Nurses assess, treat and educate people of all ages. This service covers wound dressing, injections, supervision and medicine administration.
The VNS team works closely with other health providers in the community, and promotes client involvement.
Nursing interventions/activities include:
- Assessing health needs
- Clinical monitoring
- Medication administration
- Wound Management
- Palliation – including pain management