International Infection Prevention Week Celebrated at RDHS
This week is International Infection Prevention Week and RDHS provided staff with information for their own knowledge and to share with patients and clients. Infection Control Officer for RDHS, Sarah Bulzomi concentrated on MEASLES as this has been very topical with more cases being diagnosed than ever in Australia.
Staff were able to complete a quiz to test their knowledge and whilst all entries were correct, the winner was decided by drawing a name out of a hat!
Pictured is Sarah presenting Michelle Geran with the prize of some homemade goodies. Congratulations Michelle.

Measles can be deadly, complications of Measles include Pneumonia and Encephalitis. The rise in diagnosed cases of Measles can attributed to exposure of Australians travelling overseas, having infected overseas visitors and the decline in vaccination rates. There is only a small portion of the community that cannot have the vaccination (mainly those with impaired immune systems such as children with Leukaemia) so they are dependent on the masses being immunised.